Intel Core i5 6500 specifications and performance

Intel Core i5 6500 is a 4 cores and 4 threads CPU processor produced by Intel. Intel Core i5 6500 was released on 2015-09-01, the fabrication process is 14nm (nanometer), the CPU codename is Skylake, the instruction set architecture is x86-64, and the CPU's integrated graphics (iGPU) is HD Graphics 530.

Basic Information

Vendor / Supplier Intel
Short name i5 6500
Release date 2015-09-01
CPU code name Skylake
Fabrication process 14nm (nanometer)
Instruction set architecture x86-64
Market Desktop
Integrated Graphics (iGPU) HD Graphics 530

CPU core specifications

Total number of cores 4 cores
Total number of threads 4 threads
Number of performance cores 4 cores
Number of performance core threads 4 threads
Performance core base frequency / main frequency 3.2GHz
Performance core maximum turbo frequency 3.6GHz
Number of energy efficiency cores
Number of energy-efficient core threads
Energy efficiency core basic frequency / main frequency
Energy efficiency core maximum turbo frequency

CPU cache and frequency

Bus frequency
L1 Cache 64 KB
L2 Cache 256 KB
L3 Cache 6 MB
Unlock multiplier No

Memory specifications

Maximum supported memory 64GB
Memory frequency support
  • - DDR4-2133MHz
  • - DDR3L-1600MHz
Maximum number of memory channels 2
Maximum memory bandwidth 34.1GB/s
ECC support No

Package specifications

CPU Socket LGA-1151
Default thermal design power / TDP PL1 65W
Maximum Turbo Power Consumption / TDP PL2
Maximum temperature
PCIe interface PCIe 3.0
PCIe lane count 16

Integrated Graphics specifications

Integrated Graphics (iGPU) Intel HD Graphics 530
Base frequency
Maximum acceleration frequency 1050MHz
Number of execution units
Stream Processors / Shading Units
Texture Units / TMUs
Raster Operations Units / ROPs
Total Graphics Power / TGP
FP32 computing performance

Cinebench R23 performance test

Single core performance score
Multi-core performance score

PassMark performance test

Single core performance score
Multi-core performance score
Integer math 15 GOps/sec
Floating point math 13 GOps/sec
Find prime numbers 28 Million Primes/sec (Millions find prime numbers per second)
Random string sorting 9.5 Million Strings/sec (Millions random string sorting per second)
Data encryption 1.7 GBytes/sec (Gigabits per second)
Data compression 77.1 MBytes/sec (megabits per second)
Physics simulation 447 Frames/sec (FPS)
Extended instruction test 6.6 Billion Matrices/sec (Billions matrix operations per second)

GeekBench v6 performance test

Single core performance
Multi-core performance
File compression 314.4 MB/sec (megabits per second)
clang compilation 23 Klines/sec (thousands lines per second)
HTML5 browsing 74.2 pages/sec (pages per second)
PDF rendering 106.8 Mpixels/sec (megapixels per second)
Text processing 124.9 pages/sec (pages per second)
Background blur 23.4 images/sec (images per second)
Photo processing 38.5 images/sec (images per second)
Ray tracing 3.58 Mpixels/sec (megapixels per second)