AMD Ryzen 3 5300U specifications and performance

AMD Ryzen 3 5300U is a 4 cores and 8 threads CPU processor produced by AMD. AMD Ryzen 3 5300U was released on 2021-01-12, the fabrication process is 7nm (nanometer), the CPU codename is Zen 2 (Lucienne), the instruction set architecture is x86-64, and the CPU's integrated graphics (iGPU) is Radeon RX Vega 6.

Basic Information

Vendor / Supplier AMD
Short name r3 5300u
Release date 2021-01-12
CPU code name Zen 2 (Lucienne)
Fabrication process 7nm (nanometer)
Instruction set architecture x86-64
Market Laptop
Integrated Graphics (iGPU) Radeon RX Vega 6

CPU core specifications

Total number of cores 4 cores
Total number of threads 8 threads
Number of performance cores 4 cores
Number of performance core threads 8 threads
Performance core base frequency / main frequency 2.6GHz
Performance core maximum turbo frequency 3.8GHz
Number of energy efficiency cores
Number of energy-efficient core threads
Energy efficiency core basic frequency / main frequency
Energy efficiency core maximum turbo frequency

CPU cache and frequency

Bus frequency 100MHz
L1 Cache 64 KB
L2 Cache 512 KB
L3 Cache 4 MB
Unlock multiplier No

Memory specifications

Maximum supported memory 32GB
Memory frequency support
  • - DDR4-3200MHz
  • - LPDDR4-4266MHz
Maximum number of memory channels 2
Maximum memory bandwidth
ECC support No

Package specifications

CPU Socket FP6
Default thermal design power / TDP PL1 10W
Maximum Turbo Power Consumption / TDP PL2
Maximum temperature 105°C
PCIe interface PCIe 3.0
PCIe lane count 12

Integrated Graphics specifications

Integrated Graphics (iGPU) Radeon RX Vega 6
Base frequency
Maximum acceleration frequency 1500MHz
Number of execution units
Stream Processors / Shading Units 384
Texture Units / TMUs 24
Raster Operations Units / ROPs 8
Total Graphics Power / TGP 15W
FP32 computing performance

Cinebench R23 performance test

Single core performance score
Multi-core performance score

PassMark performance test

Single core performance score
Multi-core performance score
Integer math 30 GOps/sec
Floating point math 18 GOps/sec
Find prime numbers 19 Million Primes/sec (Millions find prime numbers per second)
Random string sorting 14.3 Million Strings/sec (Millions random string sorting per second)
Data encryption 8.1 GBytes/sec (Gigabits per second)
Data compression 133.9 MBytes/sec (megabits per second)
Physics simulation 423 Frames/sec (FPS)
Extended instruction test 8.5 Billion Matrices/sec (Billions matrix operations per second)

GeekBench v6 performance test

Single core performance
Multi-core performance
File compression 341.3 MB/sec (megabits per second)
clang compilation 32.1 Klines/sec (thousands lines per second)
HTML5 browsing 80 pages/sec (pages per second)
PDF rendering 121.3 Mpixels/sec (megapixels per second)
Text processing 125.8 pages/sec (pages per second)
Background blur 24.3 images/sec (images per second)
Photo processing 29.7 images/sec (images per second)
Ray tracing 8.23 Mpixels/sec (megapixels per second)